You & Me

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Your love story

You&Me is as much for couples to celebrate their everyday love as it is for mothers-to-be – and their partners of course!

Posing in front of the camera, especially if it’s your first time, can feel just a little awkward: don’t worry, I know this all too well!

That’s why my priority is to make you feel at ease. We’ll work together to create meaningful photos for you to enjoy and that over time will evoke new sensations.

I strongly believe that photography is not there to stop time, but to preserve memories and allow them to change and evolve with you over time.

For couples, I recommend Noi due (The two of us), whilst for mothers-to-be, I’ve created 1+1=3, a maternity shoot that can be gifted or booked for yourself.

I will help you find the poses in which you feel most at ease, minimise what you perceive as your defects and bring to light your best qualities.

Find your perfect

photo session


Noi due

Un servizio fotografico di coppia, ideale come regalo per un’occasione speciale o semplicemente per sorprendere il proprio partner con un pomeriggio fuori dall’ordinario.


L’inizio della vostra vita a tre, o l’allargarsi della vostra famiglia: perché non regalare alla tua compagna un servizio fotografico, o sperimentare tu stessa l’emozione di un servizio fotografico di gravidanza?


Photography is an art born to be printed, linked to paper since its inception. This is why I am sure that photographs of your child, or those you love, should not be locked away in a gloomy hard drive, but displayed in your home.